Unibets token
What are the tokenomics of $BETS?
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000. Fully circulating, non-dilutive
Fair launch: 100% of the token supply is added to liquidity at launch and locked
Trading Taxes: Buy: 5% | Sell: 5%
2% goes to marketing, partnerships and team
2% goes to revenue sharing
1% goes to betting pool
100% of betting pool go to holders
Be a holder of minimum 50,000 $BETS tokens or more to be entitled to revenue sharing
What are the benefits of holding $BETS tokens?
Holding 50,000 $BETS will entitle you to benefit from Revenue Sharing and be part of a passionate sports betting community - airdropped in $ETH on a weekly basis We're working on a dashboard enabling you to claim your $ETH directly via www.unibets.ai
Last updated